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South Australian Transport
Subsidy Scheme

A Simpler. Faster. Safer. experience for SATSS taxi travel is being introduced in South Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I keep track of my trips?

At the end of each journey, members will be emailed a summary which includes information about their journey, the total fare amount, total amount paid, and the number of trips remaining. Members can register their email address below.

Member ID cards are also linked to the SATSS database and will automatically keep track of all subsidised trips.

What are the conditions of use for SATSS members?

The conditions of use for SATSS members remain unchanged. Member’s trips will be topped up when the next allocation of trips are due.

The SATSS conditions of use for members can be viewed here (PDF, 194 KB).

What if I forget my member ID card?

If a member does not present their SATSS member ID card to the driver at any time during the journey, they will need to pay the full fare amount. If a member ID card is lost or stolen members can contact SATSS.

What do I do with my paper vouchers?

Your new barcoded member ID card replaces your SATSS paper vouchers, and you should no longer use your paper vouchers for taxi travel in South Australia. Any unused paper vouchers must be returned to SATSS.

What if I haven't received a new barcoded ID card?

New SATSS member ID cards are currently being issued to active members residing in metropolitan areas. If you have yet to receive your card, you can contact SATSS on 1300 360 840, or email

Members who have not been issued the new barcoded card can continue to present their non-barcoded SATSS ID card and submit a paper voucher to taxi drivers to receive a subsidised fare as normal.

I have lost my card, what do I do?

To report lost or stolen member ID cards, call SATSS on 1300 360 840, or email SATSS will cancel the lost card and will issue a new card within 5-10 business days. Member’s will not be charged to replace a member ID card*.

*Fee charged for the cost of a replacement member ID card subject to change

What about interstate journeys?

Paper based vouchers will still be issued for interstate journeys. To obtain interstate vouchers please call SATSS on 1300 360 840. Please allow at least 5 – 7 days for the vouchers to be posted. If you are frequently required to travel interstate on short notice, please contact SATSS to discuss travel options.

I’m not a SATSS member, how do I apply?

Please download the application form (PDF, 1062 KB) for discussion with your GP.

Can a driver refuse a SATSS member a subsidised fare if they do not have a voucher on them?

No. Drivers who refuse to download the SATSS mobile application or refuse to provide a SATSS member a subsidised fare if they only have a SATSS ID card for scanning are in breach of the SATSS Conditions of Use for Drivers of Taxi Services and Certain Car Services, pursuant to the Passenger Transport Regulations 2024.

If a driver refuses a SATSS member who doesn’t present a voucher, the member should note the plate number of the taxi and report it to SATSS as soon as possible. Drivers who do not comply with Conditions of Use face a $210 expiation, or a maximum Court penalty of $2500.

SATSS members are required to always carry their SATSS ID card on them while travelling in a taxi, as per their Conditions of Use for Members.

Members who have received the new barcoded SATSS ID card can no longer use paper vouchers for subsidised travel, as the card replaces the paper vouchers.


I’m unable to login to the SATSS app

  1. You must have a verified mySA GOV account in order to login to the SATSS app.

    Setting up a verified mySA GOV account is a two-step process – first create login details using your email address and choose a password.

    Second, verify your identity by providing your driver licence details and the payment number from a registration renewal form in your name.

    Alternatively, if you are still unsure if you have set up your account correctly, or do not have the documentation required to verify your identity, call Service SA on 1300 450 422 (Monday to Friday) during business hours.

  2. If you have a verified mySA GOV account, yet are unable to login to the SATSS app, there may be an issue with your Taxi Driver Accreditation. Contact the Accreditation and Licensing Centre on 13 10 84 for more details.

Unsure if you have a mySA GOV account?

If you have a digital driver’s licence or digital driver accreditation then you already have a verified mySA GOV account.

Driver’s must have a current and valid driver accreditation to access and use the SATSS app.

The app will not allow a driver to scan a SATSS member ID card if they are not accredited or the vehicle is not registered.

Drivers can create a mySA GOV account online at

To create an account and verify your identity you will need your South Australian driver’s licence and South Australian vehicle registration details. If you don’t have these available or need assistance, call Service SA on 1300 450 422 (Monday to Friday) during business hours.

Can I still accept paper-based vouchers?

As some subsidy schemes such as Interstate Transport Subsidy Schemes, Journey to Work Scheme and Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme are currently still paper-based, you MUST accept these vouchers when presented along with the members photographic member ID card, and provide the relevant subsidy as stated on the voucher. Drivers will be notified when this transition period has ended and paper vouchers will no longer be accepted.

A member only showed me their SATSS member ID card at the end of the journey

We understand getting used to a new system takes time. If a member forgets to show you their card at the start of the journey for scanning, simply scan their card twice at the end of the journey, and continue enter all other journey information including booking number and total metered fare, to calculate the subsidised fare the member must pay.

Do not charge the member the full metered fare. Kindly remind the member to present the card at the start and end of the journey in the future. Please note there may be a small delay approval for payment on journeys where the card is only scanned at the end of the journey, as SATSS will need to confirm with your CBS the correct start location and pick up time.

How do I get paid for digital SATSS journeys?

A Driver Activity Report will be sent to your mySA GOV email address. SATSS journeys that have synced from your app to the SATSS system, and have been approved for payment will be listed in this email. You can provide these email summaries to your Operator to receive payment for your approved SATSS journeys.

I have questions about my SATSS app

If you have queries about using the SATSS app, contact your CBS for assistance, or email

Can I close my account?

If you no longer wish to access information and process transactions for your driver licence and/or vehicle registration through your mySA GOV account, please click the 'Close account' link in your mySA GOV account. While you will retain a 'mySA GOV' account you will no longer have access to EzyReg Account services or be able to login to the SATSS app.

Any vehicles you have nominated for direct debit must be unsubscribed from direct debit before you can close your account.

If you have subscribed to digital renewal notices, you will be unsubscribed from the service and receive paper notices instead.

Please note: Once your account has been closed you will need to verify your identity again should you wish to use EzyReg Account services or use the SATSS app.

Have more SATSS driver enquiries?

For further information about the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme please contact SATSS on 1300 360 840, or email To discuss your specific requirements please contact your CBS.